Remote Psychic Surgery
Top Level > Remote Psychic Surgery
Remote Psychic Surgery

Please allow up to Seven days for these energy clearing sessions to be completed....however if you wish to have the session completed within 24 hours (Excluding Sunday) please Double the price paid
Remote Psychic Surgery
If you wish to book a session of Remote Psychic Surgery, Please send me an email to ([email protected]) with your name, age, presenting symptoms, when did they first start? Have you seen your doctor? What treatments (if any) have you had so far?
I will arrange a mutual time where you can be resting/meditating undisturbed for 45 minutes and then I will carry a Remote Healing Session of psychic surgery with the spirit doctors that work through me.
You may experience energy moving around your body, you may feel light pressure on different parts of your body with sensations of coldness or warmth accompanied by tingling, or you may just feel very relaxed. etc.
Each experience is different for different clients who have different sensitivity to each other.
We suggest that you take time to ground yourself after a session, stretch, move around, have a glass of fresh water and take your time. Feedback is always appreciated.
However, the Spirit team don't NEED you to be relaxing at the same time as they do the healing session. They are able to work on you regardless and usually over the next three days. will check in on you as you sleep incase any adjustments need to be made as the healing energies are processed on many levels of your mind and body.
Cost of session is £70 paid on confirmation of booking.