Therapy and Healing Testimonials

Testimonial for Peter Steedman

I’ve known Peter for some years through the Spiritual Community and initially had a face to face consultation with him. I suffer badly from Anxiety and a lot of physical complaints following mutilating surgeries done years ago, which at the time, saved my life but caused a lot of damage, scarring, digestive upset etc. I have also had a lot of traumatic experiences in my life, too many in fact, which have left me with Complex PTSD. Ever so often when things become too much to bear I call upon Peter for help, and always there is a marked improvement. This time I had the full healing done by him working with his Spirit Doctors, Ping Pong and Dr. Khan. I had been having Migraines with an Aura affecting my vision which happened 8 times in 4 days, quite terrifying, along with my usual digestive issues. The following day (After the Remote psychic surgery) I had a very minor problem for only 10 minutes, then nothing at all. I also felt a lot calmer and other symptoms I hadn’t even mentioned suddenly disappeared. I cannot say enough about how Peter always answers the call for help. Such a genuine, caring person and an amazing healer. Thank-you Peter and may you continue to help anyone in need for many years to come, and beyond, no doubt....
Pat ...Aug 2024

I want to recommend Pete Steedman,

He has an amazing ability as a healer and a medium. I did a course with Pete and I was actually blown away by it he is a very humble caring person and I cannot praise him enough.

My daughter and I are both mediums and I am a SNU healer so I know it’s all true and that energy healing is very powerful and someone like Pete, who has worked so hard, for so long is in my humble opinion ..a master healer.

My mum and I got Covid in January  2021 and like it says on the box it’s awful and the symptoms are exactly as they say and trying to breathe one day was frightening.

My mum is 97 and I care for her, but as I was isolating and so was she, I was unable to help her.

I was too poorly ,so I asked for help from spirit which led me to ask Pete to put us both on his healing list.

Mum fell and banged her head and had to be taken to hospital, she was on the floor for 5 hours and she fortunately had care line talking to her.

I asked Pete to give myself and my mum an energy diagnosis and clearing...

Wow, that helped beyond measure so and I am so grateful to him. My mum is doing really well and I am so blessed she is still with us.

He is so reasonable with his charges we have recommended lots of people to contact Pete and always get good feed back. I consider him an amazing spiritual ambassador and we needs lots more like him to help in this very uncertain world.

Janette. Dorset.

"I have noticed lots of positive changes when it comes to [my husband] and I definitely feel calmer myself and my period wasn't as painful as always.  In terms of [our son], he hasn't been sleep walking since last week either and he seems all fine/his usual self.  A big big thank you from all three of us.


That was wonderful healing Peter.  Thank you I am still integrating it all.  It felt like they were working from the head down initially pulling stuff out of the top.  Also the back of the throat which sometimes gets irritated when I eat causing me to sneeze.  So much was worked on especially the kidneys heart arteries and bladder.  Now there is a pleasant tingling over the kidneys and bladder.  Also the heart feels calmer and breathing better. 


Hi Peter,

Have just listened to the recording again, it is really amazing.  It is actually the best recording I have ever heard.  It makes me cry when my friend arrives in the visualisation.  It all feels so apt.  I feel such gratitude for it.  I don’t really even have the words to express how perfect it is, and how every word you speak has such power and I feel it all being done as you say it.  It actually feels like listening to it daily will be life-changing for me.  It addresses all my core life issues.  My low and depressed feeling has left listening to it. " 

J J Somerset

"Peter, when we met for the last session we had together, I truly didn’t know why I had asked to meet with you.  I just knew I needed to.  I felt lost, alone & scared of the circumstances surrounding me.  If I think of what happened during our session in the cold light of day, meeting my guide, that too could have been pretty scary.  It wasn’t.  It felt the most natural, loving, supportive feeling and experience & that is down to your loving care and kindness; I don’t have words to thank you.  Since our session, my guide has stayed right by my side.  I guess he always did.  I just never knew…. Even as I’m writing this the pins and needles I feel in my hand when I need to know he’s there, are tingling & it's such a reassurance… because of his presence I never feel alone now, I don’t fear as I did & I have a peace that I am guarded and guided continually…. Thank you, Peter, from the bottom of my heart thank you"


"Peter I can't thank you enough for all your expertise in healing my body from past traumas and negative emotions.  You never fail to heal me in a way that gets to the root of the issue and heals my emotional bruises that I've carried with me since a little girl.  I am blessed to have been drawn to you I'm my life so you and your spiritual guides and doctors can guide me when I'm at my lowest ebb.  Your a wonderful, professional healer and I would never hesitate to recommend you to my friends and whomever need help to overcome life's emotional rollercoaster.  Your energy clearing is just awsome!  I'm ready for another one.  Heartfelt thanks."

Susan D

"Hi, Peter I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I can’t quite put into words how much I appreciate what you do. You’ve helped me so much and you covered so much ground in one session, it’s incredible value for money.I feel like I had about 5 sessions worth! I feel different, relieved, healed, and at peace. I am ready and excited for the rest of my life!  I thought I’d addressed/acknowledged the issues around the time when I was 8, but clearly, it was much more deep-rooted. I simply can’t thank you enough, Peter, I’m so pleased my path crossed yours and I feel very lucky. The work you do is truly life changing. Thank you so much."


"Peter, I love you and the loving uplifting, kind work you do to help make this world a better place to be.  I have just been listening to the recording of my last session with you last week. I enjoyed your obvious commitment to helping me in the very best way you can by delivering to me in the way I most needed at the time. The information you gave me was so tuned in and accurate in its flow and it took me right back to what is true.  It was profoundly loving and caring. Thank you I found it extremely emancipating to receive such clarity. It has changed my life and shown me my responsibility to myself and others around me. Thank you for your gifts and prompt response to my reaching out for your help. It was not easy for me to do that and you understood and came up trumps! It is all much appreciated xxxx


"Peter is an amazing Psychic Surgeon and has helped me through some difficult moments in my life, mainly through a painful divorce! My energy was depleted and I was feeling lost and helpless and didn't have any self esteem.He managed through his sessions to completely heal me and I began to love myself again and make my life and home happy, safe and loving again - I completely trust Peter and appreciate his wisdom and experience! He is a wonderful person to know too! I totally recommend Peter."  

Louise Elliott, Wiltshire

It is always very fulfilling to hear how my remote healing work, using myself as a surrogate, has helped someone in such a profound way. This young boy needed help to overcome an old trauma from a very old memory from another lifetime of being separated from his mother.  This is what his mother says:-

'My 3 year old suddenly developed a great fear of going to preschool. Just the mention of it, would cause him great distress.  After several stressful weeks, and being assured that nothing had happened in the preschool setting to cause this trauma, I contacted Peter to see if he would be able to help with some healing work.  It was the best thing I did!  Peter remotely completed an energy diagnosis and rebalancing and he also picked up on an issue from a past life where myself and my little boy (in different roles) had been separated.  Peter used his gifts and helped this confused part move on to where it could receive healing or whatever it needed.  The results were incredible.  Our happy fun loving boy has returned.  He skips into preschool everyday and once inside turns to me and says, 'You can go now Mum'.  No one can believe it!  I will forever be grateful to Peter for setting my little boy free from his separation issues.  It's made such a difference to our whole family'.

Now that he is released from that particular separation anxiety and trauma, this is what he has spontaneously said to his mother. 

"Mummy all the bad things that happened along time ago that I didn't like I've forgotten about them now."

His mother continues:

"I have had a few interesting experiences with him recently and last weekend he was telling me that when he was born he didn't know what to do as he'd never been a boy before!  He has also started telling me at bed time that he is so happy he chose me to be his Mummy." 

Kate, Hampshire

"I would like to express my deep gratitude to Peter for his promptness and sincerity in helping me out through a Skype session last night.  I woke up this morning and could tell that the blockage in the stomach area has mostly gone.  I live far away from where Peter is based, yet he answered my cries for help with readiness and compassion.  Peter, you are truly blessed to be able to help some many people in need. I cannot wait to meet you in Hong Kong next year!"

Anita Chow, Hong Kong

"Hi Peter. I wish to say a huge THANK YOU to you for your confident, skilful and miraculous healing on Tuesday. During the past 2 days I have felt quite re-born.  I was fascinated and impressed by your fluent and deft weaving of different healing techniques. In the next 24 hours I experienced even more weight lifting from me and since then I have been 'zinging' with energy. I think I am myself again, thank you so much."


"Hi, Peter just to say thank you very much for the healing you performed on my shoulder the other day it has made life much easier. Thank you."


"It has been an incredible experience working with you.  As every session passed an invisible weight has been lifted up and I [have] become lighter.  I have been reading a lot of books and listening to inspirational speakers on how important it is to be present in time and feel the power of now, however it has been difficult for me to do so in practice.  Since we started my energy sessions I felt every time my spirit feel more free and I am now able to spend most days now without regret of the past and worries of [the] future and this is amazing.  I hope I can stay that way forever.  The improvement in my symptoms since the beginning is remarkable.  Thank you very much for walking in my life path and all the care you have given, and I think we all definitely need a lot more people like you in our earthly experience."

Sherry P, Dubai, UAE

"I am grateful beyond words for the patience, support and professional guidance of Peter. We healed wounds that I didn't even know I had, things that have been held in my energy field and cellular memory from centuries past."

Sue Coulson

"Dear Peter, I just wanted to say 'thank you' for coming into my life and being so generous with the gifts you have been given. Thank you also for helping to guide me along my spiritual path.  Every blessing to you."


“I have known Peter for over 20 years and have had frequent readings and healing. He is 100% genuine and has a fantastic gift with remarkable accuracy. I would highly recommend anyone having a reading, healing or psychic surgery from him as I would go far to say, he is the best psychic medium in the South West.”

Caroline Lyons

"Hi Peter.  Thought I’d just send you a quick e-mail before getting into my work to say ‘Thank you’ for last night. I feel as if a weight has been lifted. I have come into work today feeling empowered. my husband said it was like having his old wife back again. Plus, my lower back feels completely different, as if it’s free for the first time ever, which, considering I didn’t know I had an issue there, is wonderful."


“Peter has been hugely helpful to both to me and those I know. He is amazingly psychic and has a deep understanding of the life that runs alongside the 'here and now'. He is passionate about his work and has empathy with everyone he meets.”

Gillian Brunskill

“Peter is a highly perceptive, intuitive and caring healer who works on a very deep level. I highly recommend him if you want to get to the bottom of any physical or emotional barrier and so you can move forward in your life. Many thanks Peter!”

Freja Shamanka

“Peter is a very genuine psychic and energy worker with a great knowledge of his subject. He has helped myself and my son in times of great distress with astonishing results. 10/10.”

Liz Gilmour

“When I first saw Peter 3 years ago, I was still in a lot of emotional distress, and had lots of physical health problems, that no doctor could help me with. Peter told me, that every physical symptom has an emotion behind it. Over the last 3 years, he has enabled me to clear out old emotional issues, heal the relationship with my parents and brother, stop worrying about physical symptoms so much (and they have been largely reduced), and to connect to my higher being, and start doing the work I'm meant to be doing, namely coaching. I still seek his support at times, and every time I leave feeling I've gained loads of insight, and am working towards the life i want. I would definitely recommend Peter as a spiritual healer; he is the best, and knows his stuff!” 

Katherine Hawkins MNCP BA (Hons) Open

“Peter is highly respected in his field because he is working ethically with compassion. He successfully integrates his therapies. He is grounded, trustworthy and honest and I am happy to recommend my clients to him.”

Ina D'Costa

“I approached Peter on recommendation from several people, not really sure if he could help. I discovered a lot about myself that I was holding onto from the past and Peter helped me to deal with these issues and move on.  I wouldn't hesitate to contact or recommend Peter again in the future, thankyou Peter."

Amanda Harrington

“Peter is a very experienced Practitioner with a genuine, warm and caring approach. Having helped many people over the years through his mediumship abilities and spirit guides he has valuable insights to offer.” 

Jennifer Meek, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Equilibrium Natural Health Centre

“I hired Peter to help me with some emotional problems I was having. I was very low but everyone has remarked on the positive change in me after seeing Peter.  I trust him very much and he is incredibly intuitive and very kind.  He understood me very well and taught me some amazing coping strategies.”

Alison Hudson

“I first met Peter some 5 or 6 years ago. I attended his groups and felt them extremely valuable.  Peter is a very talented man and i would highly recommend him to anyone. He helped me so many times and I gained a great deal of knowledge from him and peace within myself.” 

Julie Millard, boxing coach, Ringside Boxing Academy

“Peter is a very gifted healer and I would recommend his services to anyone.”

Belinda Talbot

“Peter is an amazing powerful medium and intuitive healer. I have attended his circles, and found myself inspired to make massive changes to my life.  His gift of healing has enhanced the lives of myself and my family.”

Andrea Pier

“I have worked with Peter professionally on numerous occasions and it is a pleasure for me to recommend him. Peter is a very experienced intuitive therapist with an extraordinary knack of getting to the underlying source of even the most resistent or baffling problems. He works incredibly hard, both individually and as a team, and contributes his unique gifts with humility, professionalism and humour.” 

Luisa Steedman

“Peter is a excellent healer and is very knowledgable of his subject. I had a knee injury and Peter helped to stop the pain, I would recommend him to any who requires any kind of healing or weight loss. He is very good with clients and understanding.”

Dorothy, Swindon

“Peter is someone I would trust with my life. He is an expert in his field and I would highly recommend him. He has very special abilities which enable him to act both as a spiritual medium and healer.”

Joan King

“I would recommend Peter as being a conscientious, caring, unassuming man, with a wonderful gift of being able to help others. His love for other people is apparent in the way he lives his life. He has a wonderful insight into spiritual matters, and is able to help on all levels.” 

Rosie Duffin

“Peter is a wonderful healer and psychic. He has helped both my daughter and myself several times. I recommend him highly.” 

Julie Hambleton

“Peter connects immediately with empathy, direction, integrity and pin-point accuracy which typifies his work. Whatever and however you want him to work, he will more than deliver.”

Richard Burnett

"Thank you for 'staying with the process' even though I had only booked a half hour phone session. The depth of the work we did rather took me by surprise - I wouldn't have expected it to feel so 'natural' over the phone, or so focussed. Now I feel more grounded and centred than I have done for some time... maybe never. Anyway I am so pleased I followed my instinct to phone you. I will be in touch again when and if the time feels right. May you continue to be blessed and give blessings through the work you do." 

Leslie D, UK

"I went to see Peter as I had been waking up feeling fine, but about 11am to 12 o'clock started to feel very weak as if I was getting over flu. This had been going on for some months and was getting worse.  After asking a few questions Peter realised that this was being caused by my deceased sister who was concerned for me and whilst trying to help me was unconsciously passing on her memories of how she last felt when alive.  Peter advised me to ask her to stand back and take away the feelings that weren't mine. He showed me some simple exercises that would help also.  Within a week, all weak and wobbly feelings had completely gone and not come back!  I am very grateful to him for helping me to get back a quality of life and also helping my sister too."

May, Devon

“I hired Peter to help me with some emotional problems I was having. I was very low but everyone has remarked on the positive change in me after seeing Peter.  I trust him very much and he is incredibly intuitive and very kind.  He understood me very well and taught me some amazing coping strategies.”

Alison Hudson

“In the time that I have been seeing Peter, I have progressed from unbearable acute pain (Fibromyalgia/back/ME) and high blood pressure, to perfectly normal blood pressure and lower chronic pain, and I don't for one moment believe that is the end of the story!  I know by using the tools he has given me, and some further treatments, I have every chance of continuing the slow climb back to recovery/normality."

Lindy, Wiltshire

“Peter is one of the most powerful healers/therapists I have worked with. He is caring and compassionate and uses a range of gentle techniques to return one to full physical, emotional and spiritual health. Nothing 'phases' him... you can bring any problem to him with confidence... from a painful back needing psychic surgery to stress or depression. I recommend him most highly.”

Liz, Axminster

“Peter is an excellent workshop leader and educator, his workshops have extensive content and give value for money. Peter has also helped personally with hypnotherapy which was a great success. Peter is honest and trustworthy, his skills and talents will enhance anyone who comes into contact with him.”

Marina Martland

“I have attended many of Peter`s workshops and every time I come away feeling inspired and amazed by his knowledge and understanding of people`s needs. Peter has also helped me on a one-2-one with some personal issues that were causing me alot of sadness and pain.  After our first session it was obvious to me the changes in my life were already taking place.  I cannot thank Peter enough for the help he has given me.”  

Lyn Stones

"When Peter works, it is on so many different levels, energetically, emotionally, and physically. He is skilled in combining multiple techniques in order to treat the whole mind and body and ultimately everything he does is about achieving a healing balance.  Peter has astounded me time and time again with his spiritual eloquence and generosity of spirit in passing on these amazing gifts. As a personal friend I have always found Peter to be generous, kind, empowering, sensitive and compassionate and a giver. As a family man his family's health and emotional wellbeing are always paramount to him. As a healer I have found Spirit work through him at extremely high levels, facilitating miracles in healing on the emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. As a psychic and a medium he is spot on with his readings and in circle he channels amazing guides with much wisdom to pass on.  I would have no hesitation in recommending anyone to develop their spiritual selves under Peter's guidance from raw beginner to advanced techniques. He is an amazing man."

Dr Melanie Moore, PhD, Devon

"Thank you for seeing me yesterday--it was amazing, thought provoking and very helpful."


"Since you performed psychic surgery on my back when you came to see me last year, I have had none of the previous pain, discomfort or immobility problems that I'd had for almost 20 years. Thank you very much Peter." 

Ruth, Devon

"I cannot praise Peter's work enough. He has extraordinary gifts as a psychic healer and he delivers his message with great compassion, humour and integrity. I personally believe that just one session with Peter will change a person's life for the better." 

Joanna Crosse, Voice Coach and Writer

 "As a horse trainer and rider competing in challenging events, I went to Peter for help with Sports Psychology.  Peter has an incredible ability to connect with people, animals and energies. This makes his work so unique and absolutely invaluable, or do I say 'highly valuable?'  Peter’s knowledge and use of various techniques, combined with amazing intuition make his work extremely powerful.  I am very grateful for all his help, and I know I wouldn’t be where I am now without his huge input!  I would recommend Peter to anyone." 

Christina, Equestrian Services